Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What's Progesterone got to do with it?

I've met and tested only a handful of women who were NOT deficient of progesterone throughout my years of doing this.  Why? Progesterone is the "feel good hormone" that really gives balance to many things and begins to decline earlier than the other hormones. I can almost guarantee that progesterone is an issue for women as they begin to share their symptoms and concerns during consultations simply based on what they describe as their problems.  You might be struggling with the same things and just aren't aware of the power of progesterone in resetting your out-of-balance body.  I will throw myself in the mix here and tell you that I am a progesterone user.  I practice (on myself) what I preach!

If you have any of these symptoms, please give my office a call.

Swollen Breasts
Fuzzy thinking
Food Cravings
Emotional Swings
Painful Breasts
Weight Gain
Early Menstruation
Inability to Concentrate
Painful Joints
Sweats especially at night
Headaches especially occuring with menstrual cycles.

Another topic I want to add on to this post regarding progesterone deficiency is the issue of INFERTILITY.  Progesterone is manufactured in the ovaries during the latter half of the menstrual cycle and is important for implantation and growth of the fetus.  Younger women with regular cycles generally make adequate progesterone and have fewer symptoms of "Estrogen Dominance".  I encourage you to look up that term.  Progesterone is very important in normal menstrual cycles, breast development, MAINTAINING PREGNANCY, relaxing blood vessels, and influencing neurotransmitters in the brain.  I have received newborn photos (and I love that) by women who carried a child to term and used compounded progesterone throughout the first trimesters of their pregnancy because they simply didn't produce enough on their own.  Those are the days that I'm ESPECIALLY thankful to be doing this.

Now here's the deal though.  I recommend that you test to see if progesterone might be the problem.  A physician sent a woman my way a couple of years ago who was basically TOXIC on progesterone.  From the results on her labs, she was using WAY TOO MUCH because someone had shared she should try it. Ugh!!  You need to know if you are LOW (and how low) before you GO and start using something that YOU do NOT need!  Some hormones turn into other hormones within the body.  There's a science to restoring hormones.  I REQUIRE concrete evidence of a deficiency (lab work) before I will work with your provider or recommend any over the counter supplements to boost progesterone production.  Blood is fine, but saliva is awesome!  OB/GYN's and General Practitioners send women to me ALL THE TIME to determine levels and to customize formulations specific to their patients needs.  Hormones are to be evaluated just like everything else (blood pressure, blood sugar, etc).  So what do you do?  Call me!! The testing is affordable and something I think that every woman should do beyond the age of 40 OR if she has had a hysterectomy.  If a young woman is not having regular menstrual cycles and is suffering from headaches, lack of motivation, and depression, then get them TESTED also!!  Is that you? 

Give me a call today.

To your good health,
Dr. Sonja

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