Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Anti-Aging Skin Care-Winning the War on Wrinkles

Our skin is one of the largest organ systems we have.  In fact, the human integumentary system  accounts for 1/6 of our total body weight.  It is designed primarily to be a barrier system to the environment both inside and outside of the body.  Some of it's functions include keeping fluid and electrolyte balance, temperature control, sensory perception, and a healthy immunity.  As we age, the skin has a tendency to become thinner and more prone to infections and cancers. Some of that is due to our poor lifestyle behaviors like sun exposure and some of it is due to the nature of aging and hormone imbalance.  In fact, women on hormone therapy in blinded scientific studies tend to look on average 8 years younger. 

We are now providing a full line of Anti-aging and medicinal skin care products that can be purchased over the counter.  The ingredients, I can tell you, are the most key cosmeceutical agents known to restore skin integrity, minimization of fine lines and wrinkles, and moisture restoration.  Problem skin?  No problem!!  We can make recommendations on things from rosacea to acne to the more common things like oily or dry skin problems.  I have been using the product line for several months now and I have seen dramatic results in my own skin "issues". 

The behavior and lifestyle of "sun-seeking" individuals has been a primary contributor to skin cancer.  It is believed that 90% of skin cancers are diagnosed at or after the age of 45.  The incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers has risen at varying, but persistently alarming rates across the industrialized world.  Annual incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers exceeds that of ANY OTHER cancer 5 fold.  What you thought was a great suntan in your 20's has now become a reason to have an assessment of your wrinkled skin today.  Or maybe you have age spots and unusual demarkations of the skin that seem to appear overnight.  They might disappear with something as simple as a glycolic peel available through our skin care line.  But, those can also be warning signs of something that is commonly diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma.  It's worth getting an analysis and starting treatments to minimize the problem. 

For women the changes in hormone imbalance that menopause brings with it can change the skin tissue in many areas of the body.  For today's blog I will focus on the face.  There are studies that clearly identify rapid aging associated with hormone decline.  Aging skin is at greater risk of breakdown and failure.  It is characterized by a thinner epidermis which presents sometimes with a crepe looking appearance around the eyes and on the neck area. 

In providing hormone consultations and recommendations to patients for many years now, I can tell you that the issue of skin always comes up.  This is one of the reasons that we felt we needed to address this concern and frustration of women.  So, our team is excited to share that we have chosen the Rx Skin Therapy line to use in our pharmacy. 

I have reviewed many products over the years for friends and family wanting to try something new, but this line we have chosen is based on the premise of science and quality in manufacturing.  I had the privilege of meeting with the product developer (Dr. Kristen Riddle) personally and was amazed at her thoughts and awareness of all aspects of skin care.  This started out as something small she offered to her hormone therapy patients and then grew to the point of mass distribution throughout the country. 

Please stop by or call for a personal evaluation of your skin needs and we can help you win the war on wrinkles and other skin related concerns.  I promise you will love the options we can provide for you.  We should all be diligent with our skincare.  As noted about, it is a BIG deal to our appearance, and more importantly, to our health. 

To your good SKIN health,
Dr. Sonja

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