It's one thing to look at sex hormones (and often there are deficiencies), but it's another to look at stress hormones. I had two patients just last week who had very high Cortisol levels. A high Cortisol level is not a good thing and if left untreated, can put a person on the road to chronic diseases. Here are a few things that should get a Stressaholics attention. How well are you doing with your Stress Management? If you're not quite sure, I can help you determine the answer to that question.
Metabolic Effects of High Cortisol
Increased appetite, accelerated muscle breakdown, and enhanced fat storage---------> obesity
Elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels----------------> heart disease
Elevated blood pressure----------------->heart disease
Alterations in brain neurochemistry -------------------->depression/anxiety
Physical atrophy of brain cells-------------------->Alzheimers disease
Insulin resistance and elevated blood sugars----------->diabetes
Accelerated bone breakdown-------------->osteoporosis
Reduced levels of testosterone and estrogen----------------->suppressed libido
Suppression of immune activity--------------->Frequent colds/flu/infection
Reduced synthesis of brain neurotransmitters---------------->memory and concentration problems.
Insomnia------> fatigue, poor immune function, weight gain.
If you think you might be suffering from conditions related to stress, call me!! And remember, stress comes in many forms.
And just so you know . . . often I can recommend integrative treatments, natural supplements, and some simple lifestyle changes that will help you sleep better and manage stress better to help for the long haul. Stress is inevitable in our fast paced society. That's a given. But continued and unresolved stress can really take a toll on the body. Stress is really the #1 reason for doctors visits when you begin to assess things fully. High blood pressure, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and persistent respiratory illnesses could very possibly be connected to your stress.
The testing is simple and affordable. Give me a call if I can help.
To your good health,
Dr. Sonja
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