Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Big Fat Secrets of Skinny People

The majority of thin people whether they have been lean all their life or managed to lose weight and keep it off  share similar strategies to stay thin seemingly with little effort. Thought I would just highlight some of their practices today to help you in your journey to a better you.

How thin people resist the Battle of the Bulge

1) They don't diet.
Or at least not in the deprivation sense of the word.  I know people throw the "lifestyle change" buzz words around a lot, but that's really what it comes down to.  Quick fix crazy diets don't work for the long haul. Thin people tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and more fiber than those who are tipping the scale in the opposite direction.

2) They keep track of their weight
My patients ask me how often I want them to weigh.  EVERYDAY! Yep! It's easier to catch 5 pounds before it turns into 20 pounds. 

3) They Exercise Regularly. 

There's that nasty little E word.  Even a 15 minute walk can help burn 200 calories. If you do it outside you get a dose of Vitamin D too.  Bonus!!

4) They don't solve problems with food.

Many people tend to drown their sorrows in a hefty dose of Apple Pie. Emotional eaters tend to eat purely for emotional reasons and feel tremendous guilt later.  It's better to redirect those emotions into physical fixes rather than food fixes.  Try going for a walk, tackling a messy garage project, or calling a friend who will stop you in your tracks.

5) They stop eating when they are full.

Portion control and not being a part of the clean-plate club are typical attributes of thin people.  Our brain gives us signals to tell us when we are full.  But you have to be paying attention and push off from the table when the "I'm Full" trigger is sent from the body's computer (the brain). 

6) They allow themselves treats.

This seems like too much of an allowance to someone trying to lose weight, but complete deprivation tends to make someone want something even more.  Keep little indulgences in the lifestyle plan from time to time.  I'm not a huge fan of artificial sweetners, but if it means having something with 100 calories instead of with 1000 calories, then I say pick your fix consciously.

7) They move, stand, and fidget more. 

This is my favorite because I'm a fidgeter.   Thin people are rarely sitting.  Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that on average, a group of lean people sat for two hours a day less than obese subjects, potentially burning up 350 additional calories. 

8) They don't surround themselves with temptation. 

Plain and simple, what's in your pantry is what you will consume.  If you make healthy choices at the grocery store, the accessibility factor will work on your side when it comes to finding something to eat in the cupboard.

9) They don't skip meals.

Going more than six hours will slow your metabolism, plus you'll be out of control trying to find something to eat.  Imagine your stomach as a gas tank.  Keep it between 1/4-3/4 full and you will feel your best.  This can be accomplished by eating small, healthy, mini-meals every 3-4 hours.

10) They eat breakfast.

The National Weight Control Registry tracks the habits and strategies of more than 5,000 people who have maintained weight loss.  Nearly 80% of successful losers eat breakfast every single day. It turns the metabolism switch after a nighttime fast. 

Hope you learned something today!

To your good health,
Dr. Sonja

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