Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bare Bones Information! Literally!!

Are you wondering why you are now seeing signs in the Dentist office asking if you have ever used osteoporosis medications such as Fosamax, Boniva, or Reclast?  The answer is bone disintegration!!  GASP!!!! Even more alarming in addition to this though is the risk of heart disease and cancer brought on by this class of medications.  This is what's going on and I want you to be "in the know" as I so often say.  

Use of most popular osteoporosis medications are associated with brittle bones, osteonecrosis, heart damage and cancer.
It was shown that any individual who had ever used these meds (even if stopped years prior) had a 300% increased risk of abnormal heart arrhythmia and a 575% increased risk of sustained arrhythmia.

Esophageal Cancer
In a letter in the New England Journal of Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration official Diane Wysowski said that they are receiving increasing numbers of reports of esophageal cancer associated with the use of Fosamax. There is typically two years between the start of the drug treatment and the development of cancer.  Now just think about this.  The directions on the package have always been.  Take with a full glass of water, 30 minutes before meals, and stay sitting up.  This would give us a clue that it has erosion capabilities to the esophageal lining.  We won't even go there on what it might do lower in the GI tract.  Eeesh!!  

(New study shows that 1 in 25 patients experience jaw disintegration)
Bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, Acetenol, Reclast and Boniva are widely used to treat osteoporosis. 
The brittle bones caused by bisphosphonates use is not limited to the jaw. There are numerous reports of patients suffering atypical large bone fractures with little or no trauma, including bilateral femur fractures, which are not seen in patients without a history of bis- phosphonate use. Bone brittleness and fracture risk increases with increasing dura- tion of bisphosphonate use even if bone den- sity continually improves.

1 out 25 patients taking Fosamax suffered from osteonecrosis of the jaw
Healthy bone has turnover where old bone is removed (resorption) and new bone is formed to replace the old removed bone. The bisphosphonates significantly suppress resorption, but also significantly suppress new bone formation. Studies show that the use of bisphosphonates are associated with a 60-90% reduction in new bone formation. Thus, the diminished bone loss is beneficial for a few years, but overtime, the lack of new bone results in excessively calcified old bone that is excessively brittle. This old excessively calcified bone looks denser on X-ray and Dexa scan but it is, in reality, very brittle and inflexible. Use of these medications for more than a few years is associated with inability to repair and heal even micro-cracks that occur with normal daily activities and is associated with osteonecrosis (disintegration of the ex- cessively brittle bone). This can occur anywhere but the jaw appears to be particularly susceptible and can result in tooth loss or even jaw disintegration with relatively minor procedures such as tooth extraction. 

Heart Arrhythmia and Muscle Pain
There are a number of studies that demonstrate that the use of bisphosphonates is associated with an increased risk of heart arrhythmias. This includes a large study of 1700 women published in Archives of Internal Medicine that demonstrated that current and past users of bisphosphenate medication such as Fosamax, Actenol, Reclast and Boniva had significant increased risk of potentially fatal heart arrhythmias. It was shown that any individual who had ever used these meds (even if stopped years prior) had a 300% increased risk of abnormal heart arrhythmia and a 575% increased risk of sustained arrhythmia. In addition, the risk was higher if the mediations were used by those who also had diabetes mellitus or were currently taking statin medicationfro high cholesterol. There are also increasing reports of muscle and joint pain due to bisphosphonate use.

If you or a loved one are using this class of medications, I would suggest that you call your doctor.  This is a biggie!

To your good health,
Dr. Sonja


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