Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The "M" word!

"M"??  Ya know……(strike up the fan), Menopause!  Years ago women didn't talk about it openly.   Today, women are flooding the offices of physicians and practitioners to find help in combatting their symptoms, in turning back the hands of the ticking biological clock, and in transitioning through those years as gracefully as possible.

So what is Menopause all about?  What can be expected?  What is normal?

Menopause is the time of life when menstruation ceases.  It's a process and transition that usually occurs over several years and the average age in the U.S. is 51 years old.  This gradual change (sometimes 10 years) can be fairly unnoticeable for some, but can cause others significant disruptions. Did I mention10 years???  Absolutely!  If you start paying attention, you will notice slight changes from how you felt in years gone by, and if left untreated, WHAM!, the mirror will make you aware,…. if the scale doesn't rat you out first.

Menopause can happen these ways.
1) Natural: normal cessation of menstrual cycles often between 45-55 years old.
2) Surgical: total hysterectomy or hysterectomy but leaving the ovaries intact
3) Premature: (chemotherapy, stress, trauma, functional disorders, ovarian failure, unknown etiology)

Indications of Possible Menopause:
Irregular periods (shorter or longer cycles, lighter or heavier flow, intermittent starts and stops)
Hot flashes and feeling hot inside
Atrophy of genital tissue, dryness, painful intercourse
Being more forgetful
Mood changes
Breast tenderness
Being emotional
Loss of libido
Poor sleep
Weight gain

Now, before you just rush out to the health food store and get your friends favorite hormone remedy, STOP just one second, and realize this!  Hormonal Balancing is a science and that guesswork approach is not the best medicine.  Here's why!

Stress and weak adrenals can also contribute to Menopausal symptoms.  Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety, sugar cravings, and more, can be connected to adrenal fatigue as much as to sex hormone imbalances.  It often takes a professional to help in determining whether hormones, or adrenal support products are the best approach for an individual.  This can easily be tested!  And it won't break the bank!

Now if you're 'right there' in dealing with problems or symptoms that you are connecting to menopause, please ask for help!!!  We can mail an @ home hormone/saliva testing kit, informational packet, and answer all of your questions over the phone.  Our professional staff has been providing this specialty care for nearly 15 years and we have had a positive impact in the lives of countless patients.   This is what we do all day, everyday.  So, don't go through "M" alone!  We are the professionals that can help guide your decisions based on your individual hormonal values, needs, and medical history.

***I can also read your hormone values through serum assays.  If your doctor or practitioner prefers to draw blood lab work, then call ahead to determine what hormones need to be evaluated while you are in your providers office.  Or, I can send them a lab requisition request by fax or email.  Partnering with your personal provider is an excellent approach to your care and health.

We look forward to your call.

Dr. Sonja

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