Customized Medicines

Customized Medicines
Dr. Sonja O'Bryan, Pharm.D., ABAAHP Board Certified Health Practitioner Diplomate-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine: "Creative Medicines" for Hormones-Weight-Pain-Fatigue-Skin Diseases-Pediatrics-Autoimmune Disorders-Veterinary Needs. Using Complimentary, Integrative, Regenerative, Bio-Identical, and Lifestyle Medicine For Health and Healing.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The "Pauses" of Aging

Most people are familiar with the terms Menopause and Andropause, but did you know that there are other "pauses" that go along with the stages of aging?  It's true!!  Have you ever wondered if there truly are reasons for those "Senior Moments" that many will complain of as they 'pause' to find the right word, thought, or expression for something?  There's a true correlation to the stages of aging and the various 'pauses' that come about as a result of the biological clock ticking.  Memory, for instance, can change as speed of brain processing declines resulting in roughly 10msec of decline every decade after the age of 40.  This is why it can take 10-30 years for a person to 'develop' Dementia.  Other changes can be evident if a person will begin to pay close attention to their body and it's signs. 

Take a look and see how you measure up.

ElectroPause -a decline in electrical activity of brain waives-age 45


Pineal Pause-Melatonin-age 20

Pituitary Pause-Hormone feedback loops-age 30

Sensory Pause-Touch,hearing,vision, smell-age 40

Psycho Pause-personality, health, mood-age 30

Thryo Pause-Calcitonin and Thyroid Hormone levels-age 50

Thymo Pause-Glandular size and immune system-age 40

Cardio Pause-Ejection Fraction and Blood Flow-age 40

Pulmono Pause-lung elasticity and function with blood pressure increase-age 50

Adreno Pause-DHEA-age 55

Nephro Pause-Erythropoietin levels and Kidney Clearance-age 40

Gastro Pause-Nutrient Absorption-age 40

Pancreo Pause-Blood Sugar Levels-age 40

Insulo Pause-Glucose Tolerance-age 40

Andro Pause-Testosterone in Men-age 45

Meno Pause-Estrogen,Progesterone,Testosterone in Women-age 40

Osteo Pause-Bone Density-age 30

Dermo Pause-Skin, Collagen, and Elastin-age 35

Oncho Pause-Fingernails and Toenails-age 40

Uro Pause-Bladder Control-age 45

Geno Pause-DNA-age 40

~(Braverman, M.D., Bajaj, D.C.-A4M-Healthcare Practitioners Guide-1st Edition)

Now thinking about all of this and where YOU might stand, are you interested in knowing more about your "Biological Age"?  Are you interested in preventing or prolonging the onset of some of these markers? Are you interested in testing some of these things to be more specific?

Get started on a regimen for Anti-Aging TODAY!  PAUSE for a moment and give me a call.

To your good health,
Dr. Sonja

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